What Are Display Ads?

Aug 19, 2024 | Business Development, PPC Management

Display ads are a powerful and versatile form of online advertising that allows businesses to reach their target audience through visually engaging banners, images, and videos. Unlike traditional text-based ads, display ads appear on websites, apps, and social media platforms, catching the eye of potential customers with rich visuals and compelling messages. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, generate leads, or drive conversions, display ads offer a highly effective way to connect with consumers across the web.

How Do Display Ads Work?

Display ads operate within ad networks, with Google Display Network being the most prominent. These networks partner with millions of websites and apps, allowing advertisers to place their ads in front of relevant audiences. By leveraging sophisticated targeting options such as demographics, interests, behaviours, and even specific site placements, businesses can ensure that their ads are shown to the right people at the right time.

Benefits of Display Ads

Visual Appeal: Display ads are visually engaging, making them more likely to capture the attention of users compared to text-based ads. With the right design and message, they can leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Targeting Precision: Display ads offer advanced targeting capabilities, allowing you to reach a specific audience based on various factors such as age, gender, interests, and online behaviour. This precision targeting ensures that your ad spend is used effectively.

Brand Awareness: Display ads are ideal for building brand awareness. They can keep your brand top-of-mind for consumers as they browse the web, increasing the likelihood of them considering your product or service in the future.

Retargeting: One of the most powerful features of display ads is retargeting. This allows you to show ads to users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your brand. Retargeting can significantly increase conversion rates by reminding potential customers of your offerings.

Cost-Effective: Display ads can be highly cost-effective, especially when using strategies like cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM). You only pay when users click on your ad or when your ad is shown a thousand times, allowing for flexible budget management.

Types of Display Ads

Banner Ads: These are the most common type of display ads, typically found at the top or sides of a webpage. They can vary in size and format, from static images to animated graphics.

Rich Media Ads: These are more interactive than standard banner ads and can include elements such as video, audio, or interactive content that encourages user engagement.

Video Ads: Display ads that incorporate video content to convey a message more dynamically. Video ads are highly effective in capturing user attention and delivering a memorable brand experience.

Responsive Ads: These automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. They are a versatile option that ensures your ads look great on any device or screen size.

Best Practices for Display Ads

Compelling Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your brand and message. Your visuals should be eye-catching and align with your overall marketing strategy.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Make sure your ad includes a strong CTA that tells the user exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s “Learn More,” “Buy Now,” or “Sign Up.”

Consistent Branding: Ensure that your display ads reflect your brand’s identity through consistent use of colors, fonts, and logos. This helps in reinforcing brand recognition.

Optimise for Mobile: With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure that your display ads are optimised for mobile viewing.

A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad designs, messaging, and targeting strategies to see what works best. A/B testing can help you refine your campaigns for better performance.


Display ads are a versatile and effective tool in digital marketing, offering businesses the opportunity to reach and engage with their target audience in a visually compelling way. By leveraging advanced targeting options, creating captivating visuals, and following best practices, you can maximise the impact of your display ad campaigns. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness or drive conversions, display ads can play a crucial role in your digital marketing strategy.


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